One Click Demo Import

We are proud of this feature, because with this feature even a beginner can install this theme in 30 seconds. First, you need to activate the theme in order to import Avestā demo content. When you import the data, the following things might happen:

Activate Avestā - Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme
Go to crumble. > Demo Content Install, or from WordPress Admin Bar > Avestā > Demo Content Install
Click Install Demo to install all demo content.

When you import the data, the following things might happen:

  • No existing posts, pages, categories, images, custom post types or any other data will be deleted or modified.

  • Posts, pages, images, widgets, menus, and other theme settings will get imported.

  • Please click on the Import button only once and wait, it can take a couple of minutes.

Information: If you install our demo content, your options will be removed.

Information: If you encounter any error during the demo installation, then you might have: Old version of PHP on your server or low PHP configurations limit.

Information: On other errors we suggest you to contact our support for more troubleshooting. It is often related to bad hosting environment that have limited hosting resources and make this process very difficult even though it does not require too much memory resources and HTTP requests.

Last updated